- This is the masterclass (video & deck downloads) of "The Consulting Leap" by Silicon Valley's corporate gender consultant, Femily.
For corporate professionals (from law to HR to project assessment to big data) who are considering becoming consultants - and other individuals who want to bring their services to companies.
BONUS: Include concrete tips and hard-to-hear truths from consultants of all Colors and industries - in Femily's network - who have "made it" in consulting.
This masterclass will leave you:
- Equipped to consider, "could I make it as a consultant?"
- Clearer on the niche service/product that will make money - and give you pleasure!
- Smarter about the best way to [non-awkwardly] get those elusive first clients.
- Awake to the real pitfalls - and confident you can outsmart them
- Ready to build the courage you will need to kick off - or keep going at - your consulting venture.
The Consulting Leap: How to Become a Consultant